Od 16. do 18. června 2015, se konal 42. ročník IFSEC International, největšího veletrhu ve Velké Británii v bezpečnostním průmyslu, konal se v konferenčním centru na výstavišti ExCeL. Během tří dnů, výstavy se zúčastnilo více než 30.000 návštěvníků a více než 650 firem z 150 zemí světa aby ukázaly své výrobky. Na stánku č. E1700, jehož konstrukce vzbudila velký zájem, jste mohli najít firmu SATEL, kde představila své nové výrobky a nová řešení, která teprve mají být zahrnuta do produktové nabídky.
Among the newly unveiled products, special attention was drawn to the VERSA Plus control panel, which combines the functionality available until now only through the application of several separate devices drew. It allows you to create a wired, wireless or hybrid system, offering, for example, multiple paths of communication, flexibility of installation and remote control capability by using the dedicated VERSA CONTROL mobile application.
Another important novelty, which was presented to the public at the fair, was the ACCO NET access control system. Its main components are the new ACCO-NT access control panels which can support up to 8,000 users (while as many as 65,000 users can be registered in the whole system). Any number of control panels can be installed in the given premises, and the individual premises can be located anywhere in the world. Communication between all the control panels is provided by the ACCO Server software. Owing to this software, the control panels form a distributed, scalable, global system that can be easily managed both locally and remotely.
In addition, the IFSEC fair was for SATEL an opportunity to showcase the premiere products, including the outdoor motion detectors of OPAL, OPAL Plus and AOD-200 series, as well as the INT-TSH touchscreen keypad - the latest model which can be used both with the control panels of INTEGRA and INTEGRA Plus as well as VERSA and VERSA Plus families.
During this year's IFSEC fair, the SATEL stand was visited by both present and potential customers, mainly from the UK and Ireland, but also from Western Europe (France, Belgium, the Netherlands), Southern Europe (Italy) as well as Central and Eastern Europe (Balkan countries, the Czech Republic, and Poland). Such meetings and talks facilitate the development of SATEL's distribution network in Europe and also afford possibilities for establishing new, even more fruitful business contacts.
SATEL would like to thank all the guests who have visited our Company's stand. See you at the next industry meetings!