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control room temperature use voice commands
and more!

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Zcela nové dotykové panely

Výkonný procesor, zcela nové rozhraní, podpora
gest přejetím.
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zabezpečení a řízení automatizace budov.

Hardwarový konfigurátor CONFX

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ABAX 2 + Modbus RTU

Podpora otevřeného komunikačního protokolu

Nyní můžete snadno integrovat kontroléry ACU-220 a ACU-280,
např. se systémy automatizace nebo sběru dat.

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 New version of the SATEL website is now live

The wait has come to an end as we proudly present the brand new SATEL website. Now faster, more user-friendly, and most importantly, with modernized design to make browsing easier.

When designing the new design of the English website, SATEL web team had to consider previously identified three challenges to properly answer the needs of users.

The first challenge was to make the layout of the site more appealing to installers and end-users alike, while providing additional information about our products.

The second challenge was to completely redesign selected sections and navigation system of the website to make users find the info they’re looking both easier and quicker. This was not an easy task, as SATEL’s portfolio includes over 500 different products that fall into different categories: security, access control, building automation, monitoring and fire protection. People that have not yet become familiar with the SATEL devices, will have an easier time discovering their functions and other benefits that come from SATEL systems.

The third challenge included the complete modernization of the website design itself to keep it up to date with the current trends in online marketing.

- Identifying these three challenges allowed us to create an entirely new take on how we present the company online – explains Agnieszka Pitrus, Head of Marketing at SATEL. – Our goal was to make the updated design in line with our core values: high quality, rich functionality, and advanced technology – adds Pitrus.

Last but not least, we had to make sure the new website is definitely more responsive, and easier to browse. Since users tend to browse the Internet more often on their mobile devices, we took special care to optimize the website in this area. Now, accessing and browsing the SATEL site on smartphones or tablets is much more comfortable, while the content itself is effortless to read. – Compared to the previous version of the site, the new one seems like one giant leap for us – Pitrus summarized.

We at SATEL hope that this new version of our website will allow you to become more familiar with our constantly expanding offer. You’re welcome to share your thoughts on the new website at

Happy browsing! Be sure to visit us often.

Visit the New Site


Další informace


  New version of the SATEL website is now live


  Easter Break

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