New version of VERSA CONTROL application 


VERSA CONTROL application, whose earlier version was available for Android and iOS, can also be now used on mobile devices running the Windows Phone system.

VERSA CONTROL in Android and Windows Phone versions gained a totally new look to meet the latest trends in line with the philosophy of Material Design. As a result, users get a clearer, cleaner in perception and even more intuitive application. The application for mobile devices with iOS will be published after the completion of validation activities carried out by the AppStore.

The change in VERSA CONTROL visual appearance is not everything. The new version of the application involves also some important technological improvements. For detailed description of changes, please see the product specifications page.

The dedicated mobile applications for convenient and safe operation of the SATEL home alarm system make the access to it possible from any location in the world.

So it is worth your while to get this useful tool and change your smartphone into a remote control center!

Download on the
Windows Store Windows Store
Download on the
Google Play Google Play


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