Sistema ALL-IN-ONE

App estremamente intuitiva
per la configurazione e la gestione

Tecnologia wireless
evoluta e comprovata

Meet the redesigned site: SATEL Support Service

With great pleasure, we present you with the reimagined site: SATEL Support Service. Log in to your account, and depending on your user type, get technical, sales or marketing support, with access to our extensive collection of informational and educational materials. Thanks to the brand-new layout, all these elements are easy to find and use.

When designing the new version of the site, we made sure to simultaneously introduce new functions to address the needs of all users: installers and integrators, distributors and resellers, designers, students, and end-users. Another equally important task for us was to modernize the site's design according to the current trends, while maintaining its user-friendly and intuitive interface. Since more and more users choose mobile devices over desktops, we made sure the site is mobile responsive. This makes it way easier to browse on smartphones or tablets.

You can create a free SATEL Support account now, or if you already registered on the previous version of the site, log in to your existing one. We made sure to safely transfer all your data to the new site, so you don’t have to worry about registering again.

We hope that the new SATEL Support Service will become a useful, valuable tool for all its users, whose businesses or everyday life are tied to our products. Furthermore, we hope you’ll frequently visit us there!

Want to share your thoughts on the new site with us?
E-mail us at
Go to new SATEL Support Service


Altre informazioni


  Meet the redesigned site: SATEL Support Service


  SATEL mira l’oro!

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