30 jaar ervaring

Sinds 1990 …

Onze doel is om onze particuliere en zakelijke klanten een veilig gevoel te geven, maar ook om steeds
hogere normen te bereiken op het gebied van personen en eigendomsbeveiliging. Onze werknemers
doen hun best om ervoor te zorgen dat alle producten van het handelsmerk SATEL een hoog
gebruikscomfort bieden en uw leven vergemakkelijken.


The www.satel.eu website (hereinafter referred to as the "Website"), including its structure, graphic design and distinctive symbols, are the sole property of SATEL sp. z o.o. (hereinafter SATEL), and are protected under Polish and international civil and criminal law, including copyright and industrial property law.

Any actions that are contrary to the above regulations or that violate SATEL's rights protected by these regulations, in particular copying the Website or its elements, texts, photos, other graphic elements, trademarks published on the Website for any purpose, as a whole, in part or in any modified form, including in other WWW websites, electronic publications or in a material version, by permanent or temporary multiplication of the Website or its elements by any means and in any form, adaptation, introduction of changes to the graphic layout or any other changes to the Website, without prior written consent of SATEL. IS PROHIBITED AND WILL BE PROSECUTED WITH ALL THE SEVERITY OF THE LAW.

The user, who gained possession of technical, organizational or other knowledge in connection with the use of the Website, acknowledges that such knowledge may constitute the property of SATEL, is subject to legal protection, and cannot be used for any other purpose than was explicitly communicated by SATEL, in particular it may not be used in a manner that violates the law or SATEL's legally protected interests.

The materials provided by SATEL via the Website are for general information only, and should not constitute the basis for any actions or decisions related to intruder alarm systems. Such actions should be based on an analysis performed by an authorized specialist (e.g. an installer), taking into account the given factual state.

Some links on the Website may direct the user to resources or websites of third parties which are not controlled by SATEL. We do not assume any obligations or make any assurances as to the operation of such resources or risks associated with them. The placement of such links on the Website shall not imply SATEL’s endorsement either of the contents placed in such resources or of the third parties administering such resources.

SATEL reserves the right to introduce any changes to the Website, without prior notice.

The information published on the Website should not be treated as an offer to conclude any agreement.

Any comments, remarks and questions concerning the operation of the Website may be directed to: e-mail: webmaster@satel.pl.

 © 1990-2021 SATEL sp. z o.o.
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