30 jaar ervaring

Sinds 1990 …

Onze doel is om onze particuliere en zakelijke klanten een veilig gevoel te geven, maar ook om steeds
hogere normen te bereiken op het gebied van personen en eigendomsbeveiliging. Onze werknemers
doen hun best om ervoor te zorgen dat alle producten van het handelsmerk SATEL een hoog
gebruikscomfort bieden en uw leven vergemakkelijken.

Prijzen en gedenkwaardige gebeurtenissen

During the period of its activities, SATEL won many awards which expressed recognition for the quality and functionality of devices, as well as for the whole team's commitment to the development of technical property protection.


The medal is awarded after a thorough evaluation by the Jury composed of eminent specialists in the respective fields to the products meeting a number of criteria - highest quality, state-of-the-art, innovation - and based on the top-class technologies. Therefore, the Gold Medal of the Poznań International Fair is confirmation of perfection of the product and, consequently, an element of its market promotion. The fair medals are awarded to the best among the tens and hundreds of fair exhibition goods entered for the contest.

2014 – awarded for the INT-TSI touchscreen keypad
2008 – awarded for the INTEGRA 128-WRL control panel
2006 – awarded for the INTEGRA family of control panels
1998 – awarded for the CA-10 control panel



This title is awarded for the outstanding electronic and electromechanical devices and systems designed for technical property protection, especially: devices for the burglary, panic and fire alarm systems; industrial television systems; access control and hazard monitoring systems; electronic outfit for physical protection agents and security devices for vehicles, means of transportation and loads.

2014 – honorable mention in the category “Devices and Systems for Burglary and Panic Alarm”
for the INT-TSG Touchscreen keypad

2008 –honorable mention in the category “Devices and Systems for Alarm Transmission and Monitoring”
for the STAM–2 Alarm Signal Monitoring Station

2008 –honorable mention in the category “Devices and Systems for Burglary and Panic Alarm”
for the INTEGRA 128-WRL wireless alarm control panel integrated with the ABAX 868 MHz two-way wireless interface and the GSM/GPRS communicator

2008 – 1st place in the category “Access Control Devices and Systems”
for the ACCO Access Control System

2006 – honorable mention in the category “Devices and Systems for Burglary and Panic Alarm”
for the INTEGRA family of control panels supporting from 4 to 128 zones

2006 – 1st place in the category “Devices and Systems for Burglary and Panic Alarm”
for the ABAX universal components for wireless expansion of the alarm system with two-way communication

2004 – honorable mention in the category “Devices and Systems for Burglary and Panic Alarm”
for the Family of Hardwired Digital Motion Detectors of Satel's make

2002 - honorable mention in the category “Devices and Systems for Alarm Transmission and Monitoring” for the STAM–1 Alarm Signal Monitoring Station

2002 – honorable mention in the category “Devices and Systems for Alarm Transmission and Monitoring”
for the GSM-3 Messaging Module

2000 – 1st place in the category “Devices and Systems for Burglary and Panic Alarm”
for the CA-64 Control Panel

1998 – honorable mention in the category “Devices and Systems for Burglary and Panic Alarm”
for the SPLZ-1010 Outdoor Siren with Flash

1998 – 1st place in the category “Devices and Systems for Burglary and Panic Alarm”
for the CA-6 Control Panel



The competition was held under the honorable patronage of the Minister of Economy with participation of the Poznań International Fair and the "Foreign Markets" ("Rynki Zagraniczne") daily. The purpose of the competition was to award the best Polish products and services, featuring high economic and quality values, state-of-the-art and original solutions and, first of all, being the export market successes.

2006 – honorable mention for the INTEGRA Alarm Control Panels



The purpose of the competition is awarding the exhibition stands which are best designed and prepared for realization of the marketing strategy of the company participating in the fair, as well as selecting the best architectonic and graphic solutions to allow implementation of the basic assumption which should induce the companies for participation in the fair, i.e. creation by the company during the fair of an atmosphere suitable for direct communication with the customer and the market, as well as positive perception of the company's image by the customers.

Prizes awarded in years: 2016, 2014, 2012, 2010, 2008, 2004, 2003



For special achievements and active contribution to the development of this field in the years 1980-2005. These prizes are awarded by The Polish Association of Producers, Designers and Fitters of Alarm Systems POLALARM.

2006 –The Eagles awarded to the Management of SATEL



The purpose of the “Customer's Laurel” Competition is selection of the products, services and brands most valued by the Polish customers and consumers. An all-Polish public opinion poll aimed at determining the level of desire with regard to the brand/product, customer's commitment to the product/service, emotional attachment to the brand and brand expansion, was conducted during the period from January to June 2007.

2007 – 1st place in the category “Alarm and Security Systems”

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