30 jaar ervaring

Sinds 1990 …

Onze doel is om onze particuliere en zakelijke klanten een veilig gevoel te geven, maar ook om steeds
hogere normen te bereiken op het gebied van personen en eigendomsbeveiliging. Onze werknemers
doen hun best om ervoor te zorgen dat alle producten van het handelsmerk SATEL een hoog
gebruikscomfort bieden en uw leven vergemakkelijken.



More than ninety percent of activities connected with the mounting of electronic components are conducted within the automated SMT line. It comprises state-of-the-art computer-operated machines manufactured by leading world producers.

The automated production line is based on three Japanese-made JUKI chip shooters using special nozzles and feeders, as well as laser and vision centering systems, thanks to which they are able to mount components ranging from 0,6x0,3mm (smallest components manufactured in the world) to 150x50mm with a precision of +/-0,08mm at 3 sigma (laser centering) and +/-0,03mm at 3 sigma (vision centering), the precision of angle ranging to +/-0,04 degrees at 3 sigma. The minimum lead pitch equals 0,02mm, whereas the minimum ball pitch is 0,25mm. The maximum output of the machines is 40000 CPH.

Before elements can be mounted, soldering paste is applied onto the boards by means of a computer-operated line stencil printer. Afterwards, when the components are mounted, the board is automatically transported to the German-made ERSA Hotflow resoldering machine. To assure optimum characteristics of solder, boards pass through four separately controlled heating and cooling zones. Depending on the requirements of the technological process, temperature of the heating zones can reach 300 degrees Celsius.

The remaining components, which are not surface mounted, are soldered to the board in the German-made computer-operated ERSA wave soldering plant. This operation allows to shorten production time considerably as it is more than ten times faster than manual soldering and results in greater precision to maintain highest quality and reliability of products.


With SATEL we spell 'QUALITY' and 'INNOVATION' with capital letters. That is why each and every product undergoes comprehensive testing in various phases of its existence. The supervision of projects and end products is conducted both in concept phase, and while producing prototypes as well as in serial production.

Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) tests are conducted by highly qualified specialists at the in-house laboratory, operating mainly on Swiss-made Schaffner equipment. The laboratory is regarded as one of the best-equipped in the region, and in the area of alarm system testing probably it is the best equipped laboratory in the entire country. The in-house testing procedure helps to save precious time and facilitates the introduction of new products, and at the same time it minimizes the risk that products would not fulfill the requirements strictly specified by each regulation.

Alarm systems are bound to meet regulations referring to two types of environment where these devices are designed to operate. In the general approach two basic types of environment can be named: residential and industrial environment. Residential application of an appliance means low acceptable levels of disturbance emission, and at the same time it tolerates lower immunity of equipment. Industrial environment, however, permits higher disturbance emission values but it necessitates remarkably higher immunity.

Alarm system regulations, met by SATEL equipment with no exception, are the strictest combination obtainable from the two groups of regulations mentioned above. They require equally low emission values as in residential environment, combined with highest immunity, exactly as in industrial environment.

Each product bearing the SATEL logo is also provided with a CE Declaration of Conformity, which means that the product meets the requirements quoted in applicable EU Directives such as the LVD, the EMC and the R&TTE Directive.

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