ALL-IN-ONE system

Amazing mobile app
for configuration and
every day control

Proven ABAX 2
wireless technology

Now available

monitor energy consummed by connected devices create shortcuts
control room temperature use voice commands
and more!

Discover other features

Gloednieuwe INT-TSH2 en INT-TSG2
touchscreen bediendelen

Krachtige processor, volledig nieuwe interface,
ondersteuning voor veegbewegingen
Maak kennis met het nieuwe niveau van
beveiliging- en automatiseringsbediening.

ABAX 2 + Modbus RTU

Open communicatie protocol ondersteuning

Nu kunt u de ACU-220- en ACU-280 controllers eenvoudig integreren
met bijv. met automatisering of data-acquisitiesystemen.

SATEL op YouTube en Vimeo

Meer dan 30 films en animaties over ons en onze producten

- abonneer je op onze kanalen en blijf zo op de hoogte!


KNX modules

Nu beschikbaar in het aanbod van SATEL!

Meer informatie

Official international

SATEL Technical Support platform

    An easy and efficient way to expand your professional knowledge:
  • instructional videos
  • intuitive systems configurators
  • technical news

Log in and start exploring now!

Visual content from SATEL available now at

Today customers buy products with their eyes, so having a good offer is often not enough. It needs to be presented in an attractive and transparent way to interest the recipient. Now you can do this with our visual content.

You can browse them in our brand new file database, available after logging in to the service. We’ve shared various pictures of individual products and kits, schematics, logos alongside social media graphics (static and animations), created by our graphic designers in different formats and languages.

Thanks to the search engine function, you can quickly find the content you need. To facilitate browsing of files, we have implemented filters that will narrow down the search results - to the indicated file types or specific products.

Log in to Support tab on our website, and check out the new feature.
All new graphic materials prepared by SATEL will now be available here.

Check now at


Overige informatie


  Visual content from SATEL available now at

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