Умный дом
и охрана – 2 в 1

Уникальное приложение
для настройки и повседневного управления

Проверенная беспроводная технология ABAX 2

INTEGRA CONTROL уже доступно

проверяйте, сколько энергии потребляют подключенные устройства
управляйте температурой в помещениях
создавайте быстрые команды (ярлыки)
используйте голосовые команды и многое другое!

Узнайте больше

Новые клавиатуры INT-TSH2 и INT-TSG2

Мощный процессор, совершенно новый интерфейс,
навигация с помощью жестов.
Откройте новый
уровень в управлении системами безопасности
и умного дома.

Конфигуратор оборудования CONFX

Новая версия уже доступна!

  • Еще больше полезных функций
  • Более удобное и быстрое проектирование
  • Новый интерфейс

Официальная международная

платформа технической поддержки SATEL

  • Простой и эффективный способ расширения ваших профессиональных знаний:
  • интересные видео с полезной информацией
  • подсказки по настройке
  • информация технического характера

Зарегистрируйтесь и пользуйтесь новыми возможностями!

мобильные приложения SATEL


  • управление системой из любого места в мире
  • быстрая и легкая установка и настройка
  • безопасная шифруемая передача данных (GPRS, 3G или Wi-Fi)
  • интуитивно понятный интерфейс, обеспечивающий удобное ежедневное управление системой

Protective measures – COVID-19

Due to the state of coronavirus epidemic declared, in these difficult times, we are making every effort to ensure that our employees can work safely and that orders can be fulfilled on an ongoing basis. Production, Warehouses and Sales Departments are operating normally. We have a sufficient stock of components for the production of our devices. The increased number of larger orders may result in temporary shortages of some items on stock, but we organize production in such a way as to ensure, as fast as possible, a constant availability of our products.

In order to ensure the best protection for health and safety of our employees, couriers, suppliers and other people with whom we have personal contact on a daily basis, we have implemented specific procedures as well as a security package.

regularly conduct an educational campaign on prevention of coronavirus infection among all employees

the work schedule of the Production Department employees has been reorganized so as to reduce the number of people entering and leaving the company premises at the same time

employees have been divided into groups using different entrances to the company premises

dispensers with disinfectant liquid have been installed at toilets and additional ones at each Production Department

employees have been provided with permanent access to protective gloves and masks

employees who have contact with outsiders have also received face shields

a non-contact thermometer has been made available to the employees

employees returning from holidays or business trips abroad have been put in quarantine for 14 days, their wages being paid in full by the employer

the majority of office staff have shifted to remote work mode (they are provided with the necessary IT tools to enable them to perform their tasks efficiently)

workstations have been positioned so that people are at least 1.5m apart

places where meals are eaten have been arranged in such a way as to ensure the safety of every employee

people are required to enter/exit the building only through entrances/exits specifically designated for each department

separate locker rooms have been designated for warehouse workers

courier parcels are picked up through a special air lock

elbow levers have been mounted on the door handles to open the door without using your hand

all visits by Polish and foreign guests as well as delegations and domestic and foreign trainings have been suspended

hardware shall be sent for service by post only

We wish you good health and perseverance during this difficult time.


Остальная информация


  Protective measures – COVID-19

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