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Experience the double dose of SATEL. Let’s meet at the SecuriForum 2022 in Budapest

Two stands mean more opportunities to discover the SATEL offer. Together with our Hungarian distributors, Riel and MASCO, we’ll be showcasing SATEL solutions during the upcoming SecuriForum on 30th March.

After a break caused by the global coronavirus pandemic, the exhibition industry now returns to Hungary. SATEL will be present on this year’s 4th edition of SecuriForum on both stands of our Distributors, among other renowned brands.

You can register for SecuriForum for free at the organizer’s official website. During the two-day exhibitions, specialists from the electronic security systems and fire industry are brought together for countless meetings and networking opportunities. This year’s SecuriForum takes place at the Lurdy Conference and Event Center in Budapest, Hungary.

With one of the stands located at the entrance, you’ll be able to see the SATEL products right after entering the exhibition. At the Riel stand (marked as A) we’ll be showcasing:

At the MASCO stand (marked as C) we’ll be showcasing:

In addition to over 30 exhibitions stands, the event is accompanied by a 2-day conference. The previous edition of SecuriForum took place 3 years ago in 2019.


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  Experience the double dose of SATEL. Let’s meet at the SecuriForum 2022 in Budapest

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