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Once upon a time in Dubai – INTERSEC 2023 trade fair

The 24th edition of the INTERSEC International Safety, Security and Rescue Fair in Dubai, with over 800 exhibitors from 55 countries, is behind us!

Under the roof of the Middle East’s Dubai World Trade Centre, we showcased the full range of our products that we found most interesting from the perspective of the needs and expectations of the local market. The greatest interest was shown primarily in intruder alarm system solutions meeting a number of stringent Grade 3 requirements, such as the INTEGRA Plus series of alarm panels and accessories, which are used in critical infrastructure facilities. Visitors to our booth could also learn more about the features of our newest product, the ACSP Addressable Fire Alarm System, which is about to have its official launch.

Participation in such a global meeting as INTERSEC provides an opportunity to discover the full business potential of your products. We can see a growing interest in our offerings in the Middle East. The prospect of making more deals in the international market is hugely gratifying for us.

We would like to thank our partner MEDC for giving us the possibility to participate in INTERSEC. It will be a great pleasure for us to present our offerings at future editions.

And here you can see for yourself how big and spectacular was the event we participated in for those two days in January!



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  Once upon a time in Dubai – INTERSEC 2023 trade fair

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