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SATEL at the PROTEGER 2022 expo in Portugal

During this year’s edition of the Safety & Security expo in Lisbon, IBD, our Portuguese distributor, has showcased selected SATEL flagship products. The guests visiting our stand were impressed with the design and functionality of the presented devices.

The expo visitors could take a closer look at the INT-TSI and INT-TSG2 touchscreen keypads, the SLIM LINE detectors, including the LUNA model with in-built white LEDs, used as a light source, and many other devices.

As always, many guests took a special interests in the INTEGRA intruder alarm system due to its wide range of available functions, including support for smart home services (advanced scenarios, and more).

For us, every exhibition presents an opportunity to meet, communicate and exchange experiences within the security industry. Our thanks go to IBD for hosting the SATEL devices at this year’s edition of PROTEGER.


Άλλες πληροφορίες


  SATEL at the PROTEGER 2022 expo in Portugal

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