Sistema ALL-IN-ONE

App estremamente intuitiva
per la configurazione e la gestione

Tecnologia wireless
evoluta e comprovata

Aggiornamento per
INTEGRA CONTROL ora disponibile

controlla l'energia consumata dai dispositivi connessi crea scorciatoie
controlla i termostati delle stanze usa i comandi vocali
e molto altro ancora!

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Un dispositivo, tante possibilità

Scopri le numerose applicazioni del nostro rilevatore
multifunzione wireless AXD-200
Per saperne di più

Il nuovo standard per sicurezza
e automazione, nuove tastiere

Nuovo processore, nuova interfaccia intuitiva,
comandi SWIPE.
Tocca la differenza.

Configuratore hardware CONFX

Nuova versione disponibile!

  • Tante nuove utili funzioni
  • Progettazione più semplice e veloce
  • Nuova interfaccia grafica

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SATEL: Made to Protect

Siamo lieti di presentarvi l'ultimo video sulla nostra azienda.

Guarda come, dal primo schizzo dell’idea al prodotto finale, creiamo soluzioni che
offrono sicurezza e comfort a milioni di persone in tutto il mondo.

SATEL device awarded in the Dobry Design 2020 competition! 

Dobry Design 2020

What is "good design" for us? To put it simply – it's designing a given device in such a way as to combine its functionality and attractive appearance in properly balanced proportions. As in life, the most important thing is to maintain equilibrium and harmony.

Good Design (Dobry Design) is also the name of the competition, the 9th edition of which was announced this year by the editors of the Live Well (Dobrze Mieszkaj) magazine and portal. During the competition, the most interesting products and solutions for room interiors, that emphasize the decor, add character, surprise with their appearance, as well as with functionality, are selected.

This year we made our debut as a participant. Along with our devices, over 220 products were submitted to this year's edition and evaluated by a professional jury of 150 interior designers and architects. The results of the poll were announced on 5 December 2019 during a special ceremony during which 15 statuettes were awarded and 24 products received distinction.

SATEL was represented by four models of devices from the latest SLIM LINE series. The one that enjoyed the greatest popularity in the online poll was the SLIM-PIR-LUNA motion detector, which received a distinction in the "Modern technologies" category in the final. This result of the competition is really great news for us, because it shows that we are successfully fulfilling the task of providing you with products that combine the abovementioned features in perfect proportions.

We are very happy to receive the award and would like to thank you for all your votes!

SATEL team

more about SLIM-PIR-LUNA


Altre informazioni


  SATEL device awarded in the Dobry Design 2020 competition!


  SATEL mira l’oro!

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