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control room temperature use voice commands
and more!

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SATEL on YouTube and Vimeo

Did you know that we have our own YouTube and Vimeo channel?

You will find there over 30 films and animations about us and our products. The materials are available in different languages!

Why is it worth subscribing to our channels?

  • we show and explain in an interesting way how our devices are built
  • we talk with humor about our serious solutions and products
  • we suggest in an original way how to fully use their functions
  • you will get interesting materials for your website and Facebook

If you have not had the opportunity to visit our channels yet, take a look here:


Subscribe our channel and stay up to date with our new video materials!

See our latest productions:

Silne hasło - klucz do Twojego bezpieczeństwa

A strong password - the key to your safety

Jak montować systemy alarmowe SATEL

How to install SATEL alarm systems - e-Academy...

Moduł komunikacyjny INT-GSM

Communication module INT-GSM


Άλλες πληροφορίες


  SATEL on YouTube and Vimeo

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