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SATEL awarded for business activity in 2021

Our business activity has been yet again noticed by leading economic magazines in Poland. The company was awarded two titles: “Forbes Diamond” and “Business Gazelle” for 2021.

Despite the difficulties in the electronics market that affect the entire industry all over the world, in 2021 SATEL has experienced a business growth. We have introduced 27 new products to the market, and increased overall sales.

For the first time in the history of this ranking, SATEL was among the laureates of the prestigious group of the "Forbes Diamonds". The list consists of the most dynamically developing companies, compared year-to-year, and is created by the editors of Forbes Polska, a popular economic magazine.

The second title that we have received for our 2021 activities is “Business Gazelle”. The title is awarded by the editors of Puls Biznesu (Polish for Business Pulse), a large business portal. This is not the first time that SATEL has received this award. The first title was awarded back in 2003. Since 2015, SATEL regularly receives this prestigious title every year.

We assure you that from the very beginning of this new year, we are working hard to be awarded again in the next edition of both rankings.


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  SATEL awarded for business activity in 2021

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