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Visit of Tesla Sistemi representatives 

On 28-30 January 2019, representatives of Tesla Sistemi, distributors of our products for the Serbian market, visited the SATEL headquarters.

During the three-day visit, our guests not only expanded their knowledge of the solutions in our regular product portfolio. They also took the opportunity to familiarize themselves with product announcements, including the SLIM Line series of detectors and the wireless two-way ABAX 2 system, which will be launched this year.

We also provided an opportunity for the distributor's representatives to get acquainted with the full production process, presenting machinery equipment of the Tool Room, Injection Molding and Electronics Production Department. Thus, they could see how the product is created using the equipment from renowned global manufacturers.

The all-day business talks were crowned by an extra attraction, which was a sightseeing tour of the most beautiful and interesting places in Sopot.

Thank you for the fruitful meetings and conversations. We hope that our cooperation will contribute to many successes of Tesla Sistemi, and the SATEL brand in the Serbian market will grow in strength, offering security and everyday comfort to the investors.


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