Now available

monitor energy consummed by connected devices create shortcuts
control room temperature use voice commands
and more!

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Changes in the opening days and hours of our office during the Christmas break

Between December 24th and 26th 2020 the SATEL company will be closed. Both Technical Support and Repair Departments will also be unavailable. Please direct all inquiries well in advance, so we can help you before the Christmas break.  

All messages received during the closing time will be addressed as soon as possible after our return to the office, which is on December 28th 2020.

Temporary changes will also be made to the working hours of Technical Support Department. Between December 28th and 31st 2020 our specialists will be available from 8:00 to 16:00. On December 2nd 2021 the working hours will return to the current ones.

The SATEL company will also be closed on January 6th 2021.

We wish you a Merry Christmas and a happy New Year!


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