Deelname SATEL aan de SICUR 2012

From 28 Feb. to 03 March 2012, the SICUR international exhibition of security and fire protection was held in Madrid, where the representatives of SATEL had the pleasure to visit the stands of the local Distributors ByDemes and Telectrisa.
Security (Public and Private Security) is a section of the fair that is growing every year, bringing together large companies that offer global security solutions to combat criminal acts.
Our products, presented at both stands, attracted great interest. Discussions focused in particular on the alarm system based on the VERSA series control panels, and on the new product family, which is the Fire Alarm System. The latter is an absolute novelty from SATEL, which will soon become a permanent addition to our offer.
We would like to thank all with whom we had the pleasure to talk and share our experience and knowledge. Through such meetings, we can better tailor our offer to suit the needs of specific market and customer requirements.