SATEL at the New Security 2015 Fair

We are pleased to announce that our new VERSA Plus control panel was presented in another country and was again received with great enthusiasm. On 26-27 February 2015, the New Security Fair was held in Belgium, during which FND and RAS - two of our distributors - promoted SATEL devices on their stands.
The visitors were most impressed by the solutions that are used in the VERSA Plus control panel. Advantages of the product, associated with integration of communication modules on the control panel board, allowing a single device to be used instead of several ones, were strongly emphasized. During many conversations, the Customers paid special attention to the multipath communication, prioritization of transmission channels to ensure that event messages effectively reach the predefined recipients, capability of fully wireless system control, flexibility in choosing the installation method, capability to use touchscreen keypad and, of course, the dedicated application for mobile devices. It was stressed by the visitors at each of the stands that due to these features of the VERSA Plus control panel the latest SATEL product will significantly strengthen position of the brand on the Belgian market.
During the fair were the flagship products from SATEL's offer were also presented, including the INTEGRA control panel, the dedicated touchscreen keypads for operating it, allowing you not only control the alarm system but also home automation, as well as the two-way ABAX wireless system and the access control system.
We thank our Belgian distributors very much for actively promoting our products and we wish them every success.