SATEL conferentie in Macedonia

Checking the device capabilities yourself is the best way to explore its functionality. Therefore, the SATEL Company makes efforts to provide an opportunity to test our solutions to customers around the world. For this reason, in the spring of 2016, official presentation of SATEL products, combined with technical training, was held in the Business Hall exhibition center in Skopje.
This meeting was the first of its kind in the Macedonian market. It was organized in cooperation with the WIZARD company, the local distributor of SATEL products. More than 70 electronic security specialists from 11 cities across Macedonia participated in the meeting.
The conference, which was conducted by SATEL specialists – Bartosz Piotrowski (Technical Expert) and Mateusz Krawiec (Area Manager) – began with a presentation of the wide range of SATEL products. The presentation aroused great interest among the gathered representatives of installation companies. They paid special attention to the functionality of control panels of INTEGRA and INTEGRA Plus family and the resulting from it configuration possibilities for intelligent alarm systems, with particular emphasis on the solutions that enable implementation of the building automation. In the second part of the meeting, technical training was conducted, which ended with giving out certificates to confirm the acquired knowledge.
The meeting in Skopje was part of a series of talks and demonstrations, which in the spring of 2016 were carried out by SATEL specialists with partners from the Balkans: Macedonia, Kosovo, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Croatia. The next edition of presentation and training meetings in the region is planned for 2017.
Report from the conference is also available on the WIZARD company’s website: